The KF guy watching Joe on The People's Court has my fucking ribs.

7  2019-06-19 by aRTie02150

Everyone watch.

​ starts at the 30 min mark.


We need to make this guy more aware of everything.


It was murrrderr


Hes getting killed in that chat, its fucking hilarious

well i know what i'll be doing until bedtime, thanks :)

We don't need to do anything.

Joe's already waded in and tried to DMCA them, the owner's posted Joe's complaint and home address/email on the front page as well as talking about him on a live stream; and there's a well-documented thread on there detailing every fuckup Joe has made, complete with pics and videos.

Just let it happen, it'll be beautiful.

Outsourced autism. God this place is beautiful.

He’s scrolling through some of the best content ever offered here. Almost clicking Beige’s doc!

It was a solid intro to Joe for those on there that dont know anything about him. Seems like most there were loving his buffoonery.

Funny, but Null is still a faggot for white knighting Chris Chan.