Just Anthony Cumia passionately arguing that it's normal to want to fuck 13 year olds.

39  2019-06-19 by DumbCowJoe


That creep Norton like he’s any better “ 16”


We stayed with legal limit. Cumia family breaks every law without a care.

Yeah but a 40 year old fucking a 16 year old girl is still fucked up. Who cares if it’s legal in Europe and like 3 states?

Grown up with 16 so while it feels 'legal' I'd say once I got past very early 20's it felt very creepy. I certainly wouldn't be announcing it on a national radio show

16 is 100% illegal in NY state. So no it’s not better.

Ironically, he's protected by obscurity. If anyone else outside of the 5 people that awkwardly sit on uncomfortable seating in his studio, waiting to have their credit card information sold on the dark web knew about "Compound Media", he'd be investigated and god willing, locked up.

The alcohol will kill him before he fingers any more children in that theater of horrors, let's hope so anyway

“It’s gotta be the right 13”

sometimes they look like they're older than they are you know; gotta shoot for those 13.0's and not those icky 13.9's with a birthday coming up

i'm choosing to believe that's what he meant by that

Patrice was the only celebrity death that legitimately upset me, I felt like such a fag at the time

I miss that voice man, so fucking funny

atleast you stayed the same

The exasperated outrage that bursts out of Nana when they’re not immediately on board with 13 suggests he went way higher than the real number.

he gets defensive and tries to spin it like everyone else is wrong

Nana’s other tactic is to scream profanities like a big masculine man...when deep down he’s actually still wearing mommy’s shoes

I 1000% believe his "9!.... Lol jk! XD" was completely and totally the actual number

I’ve always said the same. He played it off as a joke but if even one other person in the room had been like “hmm yeah.. I guess me too” he would have been shouting at the rest like “WHAT?? YOU’VE NEVER SEEN A HOT 9 YEAR OLD?? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!”

That picture is so goddamn disturbing