The Sadness That is TACN (Can't They See Cumia Sucks) -

13  2019-06-19 by Sternacthegreat


At least there is mutual agreement that Keith doesn’t know how to run anything.

The difference between subscribers and non-subscribers is the subscribers believe that something is fixable. Non-subscribers have no idea who any of these people are and if they do, they’d rather see them go bankrupt and possibly jailed for crimes.

Honestly its probably financially smarter for Ant and Keith to bilk the remaining subscribers for all their worth. Being realistic, they are not bringing in new viewers. Ant is 60 years old. No one outside of the remaining OnA fanbase gives a shit about him. Having atrocious content doesn't help things either. Giving away the shows for free will only cost them more money. It's too late to go to that model.

Is his shitty show even still airing? I mean no one ever mentions it or brings up whatever "guests" he may or may not have on, so does it even exist at all anymore?

apparently it's way past 800 episodes and counting

what a waste of space