People are catching on

140  2019-06-19 by amotionactor


Share the link , we need to support this guy. Patton needs to be exposed!

Might as well tell them about Cumia's ipad scandal too

Not a celebrity

Most famous faggot in obscurity

Nah NANA is even at the bottom of obscurity.

There's a ton of like, 90's sitcom stars and one hit wonder musicians in obscurity which still would have tons of name recognition from people

Anthony is beyond the bottom of the barrel at this point

I'm still hilarious

Use an NP link so we can't be accused of brigading.

Delete the post ? What’s np?

"non-participation". You can't comment/up vote on them but all you gotta do is remove the np to do so. However, links to other subs should include them since brigading is against site rules but it's totally fine for certain subs to brigade for reasons.

Thank you both.

chapo pedophiles constantly brigaded the old sub and nothing ever happened to them.

of course we know what kinds of sickness reddit admins support as ''love''

My account is named what it is because accusing Jimmy Kimmel of molesting Adam Carolla's son is what Reddit considers "supporting pedophilia."

they turn everything around on its head because that is their ideology (satanism, baal worship)

Thousands of mods enforce this for Conde Nast for free.

At least Jimmy Kimmel has 30 pieces of silver to enjoy.

Is that a real thing? I gotta Google that

Only if you were once an obsessive Adam Carolla listener is it apparent.

What father spends as much time and money on other children's gifts as he does his own? Creepy Uncle Jimmy.

Chapo constantly brigades every right leaning sub I somewhat read and the neoliberal one.


Keep the post (I think).

NP links are "Non Participation", they have "NP" at the front of the URL, and they stop people from being able to vote/comment. Here's yours:

There used to be a warning about it on the old sub.

nigger penis

I didn't know he was that close to the woman he married immediately after.

We need a Porsalin/Beige doc to get some answers and perspective. I remember one of them mentioning it was on their upcoming list of projects.

"The comedian?"

No, the other person with that extremely unique name. Yes the comedian you fucking idiot.

Patton Oswald isn't a comedian. Patton Oswalt on the other hand.

Its always good when you can involve the normies on that level. Great work fella

if people were really catching on the comment wouldn't get that many downvotes.

denial. nobody wants to think they could possibly killed by a garden gnome.

Because the everyday reddit dorks will always downvote what they dont want to be true.

Look at it now faggot


I hate how insidious this concept is. When it first came up I thought the sub were being dickheads spreading this theory around, but the longer it's swirled around my brain I find myself thinking "you know it is a little fishy..."

I find myself thinking "you know it is a little fishy..."


How much is he paying the bots to always downvote any suggestion of this?

((())) $.

Shout-out to Chad Zumock for being the foremost guy with read cred to bring this to the fore, jokingly or not. A level of widespread suspicion now exists that is absolutely warranted when you objectively evaluate the circumstances of her death, and Patton's behavior immediately afterward. A probability exists he emulated Walter White and looked the other way while she was choking to death on her own vomit.

Patton now stalks Chad's every move on instagram. Definitely a guilty conscience at work

I got banned off the RLM sub because of this.

No wonder, considering that Patton was in their shitty Space Cop movie.

Oh, if Patton were outwardly conservative

Did he actually kill his wife