What is worse? TACS or The Nick Dipaolo Show?

3  2019-06-18 by crat33



They're both on par with Worm & Weasel and Opie's pop ups as far as shit tier level entertainment. Not one of them defensible in any way.

Any one of them could probably (except for Sam) could turn it around at any moment if they could get over their narcissism and put an ounce of effort into their jobs.

Yeah.. but isn’t it kind of cool in a “rock-n-roll” kind of way that they do zero prep work? It’s lame if you think about things ahead of time. I like my shows to be off the cuff. Just a guy who strolls in at the last minute and tells it like it is.

TACS, and while I don’t watch Nick’s shows because you already know his take, he actually seems to prep

Nick dip doesn't like Hilary I think.

Cankles and so forth

Nick is obviously a one-trick-pony. But at least he’s not afraid to be confrontational in defending what he believes. He doesn’t just fake laugh, nervously grin at the camera, and try to change topics like a weasel.