that time keith unsuccessfully tried to dmca someone to stop the spamming of ant's pirated book

30  2019-06-17 by Loganlynnmusic


Keith encourages Nana’s drinking addiction so she never has a moment of clarity

Ant is knowingly and gladly paying him to do it too.

Keith’s Robbing ole wet brain blind .. But the cumias lack the proper brain cells to pick up ok it

It's entirely possible that Keith is a millionaire from at this point from exploiting Anthony.

Was Stetten a cunt to be around?

If you weren't Anthony, Stetten didn't acknowledge you. You must have at least THIS much money for her attention.

Yeah i figured

I guess looks don't matter for shit. Anthony is the ugliest man on the planet.

Didn't she date Jim Norton?

I remember hearing she jerked off Greg Gutfeld in Anthony's hot tub.

That was Travis's wife, and he got her pregnant. She had the decency to have the fagseed aborted tho.

I'm sure he scammed the NYPD with bogus OT his last 2 years to boost his undeserved pension well into the six-figures.

Welcome back, hope you're doing good.

haha, the AAAHHFEEENDING tweet is still there, 7 months later. Everything associated with a Cumia is inept & impotent.

“We.” Damn he really is gonna take Tranth for all he is worth.

That dmca takedown request reads like one of those 12 year olds who bought a Wii on eBay for $1 the day it came out and someone mailed him an 8.5/11 lined piece of paper with a shittily drawn Wii on it, and now he’s complaining to PayPal to get his money back.

And like someone who rents billboards to advertise a behind a paywall podcast. Pennies on the dollar!

I wonder if retard keith has insurance on that new money express cruiser piece of shit boat.