Robert Kelly Montreal AMA vs reddit

25  2019-06-16 by white_hispanic


What is your favorite T.V. show?

Ew what a gay bot

Fuuuuck youuuuu

Something this pathetic exists and it still didn't show up for patricks 15 minutes

All fat jokes I guess

Seeing him puffing on a big thick brown cigar then sipping some high calorie drink out of a purple bottle has to be the gayest thing ever.

It's in tribute to Patrice.

How many calories do you consume per minute?

Ask his arteries

He's a good and funny dude.

This was one of the funniest most underrated bits from the wub.

"What do you think of bill burr making a half monkey half human hybrid?"

"I dont know what that means."


He missed it, the big fat pig

I hate how he dismissed the first question in that video, about "do you love food more than your son?"

I want a real answer from that.

We all know the answer.

Why do these idiots (like Fat Bob) think Reddit has anything to do with O&A? It's a very minor subset when is comes to Reddit.

Is this the last AMA ever or what

Couldn't go 3 minutes without mentioning the cigar.