Compound Media Drama

7  2019-06-15 by Ulfigo

I can't be bothered to actually watch Compound stuff but is something going on with Kevin Brennan leaving or getting booted? Something with Schultz as well? Anyone following this dumb shit?


I'll ask my garbage man Monday when he comes, pretty sure they interviewed him

He tweeted that he's sick of playing second fiddle to Schulz.

And that shultz is a coke head

Kevin Brennan is leaving because Compound Media jerks off to the Fox/Red Eye fags that bring absolutely zero interest or humor in.

But no worries! They've now got The Wet Spot as a new show

Kevin was unhappy he didn't have more hours on the network. He was complaining about Bill Schulz having 4 hours while he only has 2, but I don't think it really has anything to do with Schulz, Kevin just chose him because he's like the weakest/easiest target. Seems kind of cowardly that he would attack Schulz, who has no deciding power over programming, instead of attacking Anthony, you know, the guy who owns the network.

Until CPM pulls down all of Brennan's shit the way WWOne yanked the Opester at the end of the one-year deal, I say Kevin will be back.

Important Note: I neither subscribe to CPM, nor do I give a fuck if Brennan stays, or the whole network falls in a large, deep crater. The point is, this is standard Brennan behavior, and it's worked for him (to a degree) so far.

My god, who knew that loud, autistic and grating could be considered one's more favorable traits?

Brennan wanted to do (and get paid for) more shows than the two per week that he's permitted to do. He'd also like to work while Anthony takes his eight weeks a year of holidays, because Ant's been closing the whole network down (but still charging subscriptions) whenever he leaves. Since Ant's presenters are paid per show (and, at least in Artie's case, per minute) that means money rolls in but stays in Keith the cop's tightly clenched fist.

Instead, Keith gave (whoever) Schultz the extra day's Brennan wanted, and cut some time out of Brennan's show to do it.

Brennan's now quit Compound, and will make his money via Patreon.