Reminder: Joe Cumia keeps fucking with us

40  2019-06-15 by TaumpyTearsxyz

So don’t act shocked when you keep losing gigs you stupid douche. No one is going making anything up, we’re just using your own social media posts against you. Not one has been modified nor edited, you have no one to blame but yourself. You Cumia’s are legitimate human garbage, purriod.


Unrelated but when and where are his next gigs?

The Beacon Theat.. Oh no wait he is a fucking loser who plays covers in pubs as a 67 year old man. Who's also black.

I will continue to fuck with Joe even when he's dead. It's just fun to me.

Hopefully Ant lives long enough to pay for a grave that we can piss on.

Joe will live longer. He's carefree. Nana has to worry about paying for a beard gf, Joe, Carol, her grandkids, Keith and Keith's wife.

Joe is so dumb that I'd feel bad about fucking with him if he wasn't such a hateable shithead who brings it all on himself.

All he'd have to do to be left alone was just go away and stop involving himself in his baby brother's business but he can't do that because he has no identity outside of being a disgraced pedo shock jock's brother.

He can try to erase it but he change that ultimately it would all hold up in court if he filed libel on it.