You baby boy anonymous cowards wouldn't say anything to my face

83  2019-06-14 by JosephCumia1959


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Kill yourself

His hair is actually worse than his bald misshapen skull.

Jim a mutant fucking porcupine. That shit is actually terrible.

They’re individually placed quills, sir

Unhatched baby bird lookin’ motherfuck

Nah def a hatchling. All patchy haired, retarded eyes, unable to exist self-sufficiently, muscle tone of fatty veal, etc.

He looks like a salt and pepper chia pet.

It looks like he spiked it with gel to signify his rebellious nature.

Man that’s DAAAAAARK.

When Norton grows his hair out he looks like a squirrel.

Bird, squirrel, porcupine

Jim is an animal, man

Identifying his species is a real problem.


Why do these assholes all have fucking clown wigs for hair?

Thought I was on /r/howardstern for a second.

Should have shopped at Maurys Wigs OH LOOK ANOTHER 30 YEAR OLD REFERENCE

Jimmy has chia pet hair.

Ch-ch-ch-Chia Worm.

car crash

What I think of anytime I see this era of Jim's hair. all day: gay shitty children's toys

Oh yeah? How about you shove those toys up my ass and tell me how fucking gay and shitty they are then, bro?

I say somewhere ranging between "quite" to "extremely".

I'm sure that's a distinction you've confirmed with on more than one occasion.

Thanks for this pic, I always wanted to name something punchablefag.jpeg

I wonder how'd he do on /r/punchablefaces

He looks like a bull dyke in menopause

A thunder cunt on holiday

I want to nigger rape him.

Ol' Badger-Hair

Even Hannah Gadsby could beat the shit out of this queer.

That’s a hilarious image.

I wouldn't have a chance to say anything to his face. He'd be gnawing at my crotch trying to suck dick.

Bram Stoker's Fagula

"I vaant to suck your cock!"


His hair is getting the hate it deserves, but what the fuck is up with his eyebrows?

It's weird that Jim's tough guy attitude didn't lead to him getting his teeth kicked in on a daily basis. Look at this guy and tell me you'd ever let him get away with calling you a "baby boy".

Its easy to act tough over the phone. Watch the Ventura video again and add up the amount of time he spends looking him in the eye.

Jesse absentmindedly put his hand on Jim’s shoulder and Jim spent the next decade complaining that Jesse was trying to “alpha” him.

I’ve never seen someone so shook up from a hand in the shoulder.

Jesse’s arguments that day were idiotic but he came off as the winner just because Jim acted like a gigantic pussy.

He looks like a gayer Bob Levy.

He stinks and I don’t like him.

Lesbian art teacher

Nice hair, stupid

Holy shit I just realized Jim is my aunts lesbian friend

Fucking ferret hair ass nigga