Jimmy unfollows Colin on twitter like a scorned high school girl

52  2019-06-14 by RatherPleasent


Nice cake day, stupid

"well I don't think that's a very good argument"

I remember this and refuse to listen again. Can you fucking believe that the little cunt's excuse was "I unfollowed a lot of people, so it's fine"? Like somehow that makes what he did any less melodramatic and cunty. Fuckin worm

"It wasn't a fuck you"

2 seconds later

"I was just like fuck everybody"

misquoted but still

Where's the one where Jimmy dramatically posted that something bad happened to him, but it turned out that it was just him not getting a picture with a celebrity?

Oof I remember that, early onset of wormentia. We should have known then, the signs were all there. I love his explanations that make 0 sense. Colin was right about everything he said here.

"I've been unfollowed on Twitter! That's the ultimate 'Fuck You'!"

“You really are a resentful creep”