Two subreddits and a forum..fa la la la la

81  2019-06-12 by revolvingmonk

All modded by incompetent faggots who have no clue...fa la la la la

Been saying it for weeks...fa la la la la

Worse at their job than Keith the Cop.....fa la la la la


It's three

" thank you for finally being honest, Anthony. "

I haven't been paying attention can you pm me the other two

I was talking about the fags who modded the opienanthony subs. Unless they ran another one into the ground that I didn't know about.

Bunch of heroes.

Seriously though, what kind of faggot has time to mod one of these things properly?

In fairness, SpaceEdge moderated the original sub properly, right you until he decided to start moderating it.

He said he was going to bring the old one back. Fucking faggot hasn’t done shit

Cause he’s on heroin. Let him sleep it off

i think he's talking shit, and that he actually demodded himself before setting it on invite only, and deleting all of his reddit posts.

If he opens it up right now it would be banned in a matter of days.

In fairness, SpaceEdge moderated the original sub properly, right up until he decided to start moderating it.

The old sub just flew under the radar. None of the admins knew we even existed.

What do you actually need to do as a mod? It's not like Fatrick has the money to follow up a DMCA notice with real legal action, so if you don't get around to taking a post down for 12 hours it doesn't matter. And who gives a fuck if members are fighting? Just put the fucking thing up and walk away.




only queers

I vote that it just goes into complete anarchy. Fuck the mods, seize the means of shitposting for we the people.

Exactly. I've thought about making my own O&A subreddit before, but between my job, family, and other bullshit I have to deal with on a daily basis, I just don't have the time to do it properly. And any high functioning adult doesn't either.

You basically have to be unemployed and have fuck you money saved up to do this properly. It's basically like running a small business

A small business with all the work but without the profit

Just like compound media

No job but a steady income of say $60k a year? I think I know a guy. Does it help if he is at least 6'1" too?

Could be a good fit, what is his IQ?


Exactly. I've thought about making my own O&A subreddit before, but between my job, family, and other bullshit I have to deal with on a daily basis, I just don't have the time to do it properly. And any high functioning adult doesn't either.

That's why the entire country is fucked: the middle class people paying all the taxes are too busy working, and there's an entire army of unemployed Communists who are frothing at the mouth to turn the United States into Freeattle.

You certainly aren't wrong sir

u/toss__pot invite this guy to mod. he's (you're) not busy or important. do it

You interested in being a mod?

no, and im not crying about the job the others are doing either

Oh come one, you would be so great at it. Upvoting you and downvoting your opponents is like 80% of why I still go to /r/cumtown.

lotta problems in that sub


Kill yourself

I’m such a colossal faggot I’d gladly mod the fucking

Dassabesso, just modding, fuckin -

My Obama-Phone crapped out

All you fags trying to keep this shit going are cringe as fuck

Yet you continue trying to make mersh happen. Give it up.

Go away

What happened at the forum? I can't be bothered to fuck around on that Geocities shit

Then shut the fuck up, faggot.

And if they were moderating them you'd be bitching about that too.

I cant sue your for slander. that's for sure.

one subreddit.

Worse at their job than Keith the Cop

cmon now, no one is that bad