Kyle's fat nigger bitch wife poses

34  2019-06-11 by Shitpost-Ghost


Jeez, tell us how you really feel.

I know, right?

On a scale of 1 to 10 this post gets a big "Yikes!" from me

I can't even

I hope the horse didn't try to ride her!

The horse cock is the only hope to push pass all the pussy fat and finally have a tip of a dick to hit the end of her pussy

First and second place at an eating contest.

I see she got herself a gym membership. Looking good!

House nigger Bahamas branch of slavery

Safe to assume that horse is very dead.

You pale ass troglodytes 😂

how’s that “master race” thing going when you guys walk around in white robes but hide in alley ways when black people walk by?

How does it feel when members of your own race find you disgusting?

Or better yet how does it feel to be the only one to ever handle your dick while you troll and giggle like a lil bitch?

These are the big scary questions a dullard must ask himself before he realizes there’s still time for a good old fashion suicide 😂👏

Most of you who talk racist shit are actually just scared and intimidated by people of other races, and if you understood anything then you’d understand the fact that it shows your weakness and stupidity, fuck boy level stupidity 😂👏

Go fight one, go on 😏 go do it. Bet you won’t. Not for all the opium in China you wouldn’t cuz you got a yellow belly and no arms and legs so you just slither