Are we back here for good, folks?

32  2019-06-11 by RealTonySchiavone

I can't stand that web 1.0 wackbag-looking forum, but I don't wanna get too attached here before it's snatched all away :(


We're getting rid of all of the dumb nobody sci-fi author posts so the admins are leaving us alone, for now at least.

He's my favorite scifi author he supports trans rights by writing them in a favourable light also he dumps on the Orange drumpf.

I like his stand up.

Shame that vape stealing heroin addict faggot /u/SpaceEdge didn't just give this as the reason to stop the Fatrick shit to begin with. Would have saved a lot of fucking hassle and it's not like anyone outside of the mods would have known it was just a made up excuse to get it to stop.

If people don't like that they're posts are getting removed or if they're getting banned from the sub for behavior that puts the whole thing at risk, then too fucking bad. There are now alternatives out there, free from any restrictions of Reddit's content policy, where you can go and be a fucking retard.

A lot of people were getting sick of that shit. There was a post that had over 200 upvotes in less than 20 minutes that was a petition to ban all posts about that nobody and SE removed it giving no reason why. Then a couple days later stickied the "No More Posts..." one that pissed off a bunch of autists. He should've let majority rule and left the poll up so he could have pointed to it and said, "A majority of active sub members don't want that stupid off topic shit clogging the entire sub anymore, so take it to a new sub."

there was a poll and 96% of people wanted the pat posts to continue.

how does it feel that a fat sci fi author is living rent free in your head, bud?

Its hilarious that they'd help him but couldnt care less if the cumias' dead mother's memorial page is vandalized. Ain't it fun?

That place annoys me.. Reddit is so much easier to read and use πŸ˜ƒ

Hey, drop dead.


I agree with you, but I also hate you so

Thanks I like u ... ur cool πŸ‘§πŸΌπŸ’•πŸ’―πŸ¦„πŸ’πŸŒˆπŸ¦πŸŒ·πŸŽ‚πŸ¬πŸŽˆπŸ₯πŸŒΊπŸ‹

Website is a piece of shit and anyone who says differently needs to shit their fucking faggot mouths. Seriously through all of this they've managed half as many members as our sub here. If this sub is banned we'll still manage to have more members in the next sub, aaand reddit is usable. So for anyone promoting to use the EAT SHIT AND DIE.

Its necessary as a rendezvous though

I'm ova here now