Lol i love the redditfags when they get in a roll

2  2019-06-11 by yevyoyevyo


Hey! I recognize those memed phrases! XD

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger

Edit2: Holy Shit! This is the most upvoted comment I’ve ever had @_@

The retards that upvote this shit.

I have to remind myself to not tell people I use reddit, since it always leads to the “what subs do you like?”

How am I going to explain this place and its many forms?


I was talking to a girl like a year ago and she asked just that. When I told her this place and watchpeopledie she was horrified

My girlfriend doesn’t know about it. But the days seem to be numbered, I’ve been waking her up sometimes laughing at the hilarious Joe Cumia classics.

What a bunch of fucking fruits