I went to Colin Quinn’s wedding with my second mic, and left my wife, child, and newborn at home.

30  2019-06-11 by suirogerg


Colin gave Jimmy a +1 but told him he couldn't bring a tranny.

Didn't he also forcibly induce his wife on a Thursday so he could fly down to co-host a professional grease opera event on Friday?

Not only did he not get paid for it as he is not an employee or independent contractor of Greasy Faggots International.. but he paid for hotel, flight, and chicken tendie appy saucey meals out of his new kid's future 529 Plan? And not just that, he paid out of his pocket for the privilege of being lambasted online and become a trending Twitter topics - not the good kind?

What I'm saying is, even the 'good' parents of the O&gAyniverse are still deadbeats.

Sam is a closeted homosexual.

It’s a business wedding and party, you don’t take your deadbeat balls n chains

Are you saying this mongrel was in the right?

I mean, Would you walk around an showbiz wedding party full of professional comedians and hot bitches with your annoying wife and your shitty diaper baby?

Expect sam wasnt invited. He was the worms +1.

Not invited. Total tag along n network. Lil weasel knows what he’s doing. I still can’t believe he was scotch’s intern and now the morning show is his. Meanwhile Opie just got fired from his own podcast, it’s all so fucking unreal

Meh, I guess so. Or, ya know, drop off your two burdens with your overbearing mom and take the ol’ wife out for dinner in the city.

I guess that would be the right thing to do, I just can’t imagine wanting to hang out with my cunty wife around interesting and funny people That’s probably just me tho...

Wouldn’t you be on the cunty side if you had to deal with this manchild day in and day out? Sam fucking stinks.

Unless any wrestlers are there, Sam won't find anyone funny or interesting

Imagine seeing this guy at your wedding. It would ruin my day

Absolutely. On the Jim and Sham show he even said that he’d never even heard of CQ’s wife or met her.

Just let that sink in, that that fucking scumbag Jim had to bring somebody like Sam because he just couldn’t stand to be without a plus one. Hey, shithead: your other friends and fellow comics will be there, and your fucking patron is getting married. It’s his day, you old queen.

This GENUINELY sickened me. I’d tell you if it didn’t.

You just know col was just being col, cracking jokes at the altar. And then he heard that goat laugh echo the room and felt terrible about ever meeting jim.

keeping up appearances. Colin has the same feelings towards him taht Bobby Lee does. (Who is this guy again?)

So would I tbh

Actually Sam came as jimmys plus one because he wasn’t invited outright


Known nigger-faggot Sam Robert's wife eats human caca and let's just say both of his kids have Philly accents and are really good at skateboarding. Thank you for your time.