You are the weird one if you think a man my age wants to fuck a pubeless child. What's wrong with you?

18  2019-06-11 by BeakersRedBush


Correction: Classy Cumia waits for girls to have their first pube. Stop pushing fake news.

Mr. Sodomy, you are just splitting hairs. I am going to need to see your source before I write a retraction.

Tunisian Freddy Mercury impersonator

I’m pretty sure Ant helped me replace a fucking tyre on a mountain roadside in Nepal.

This man is clearly not a pedophile.

I have or well, had a friend that recently came out to my buddy's and I that he's a fucking 32 year old ephebophile. Fucker had the audacity to raise his voice and get mad at him for condemning sleeping with 16 year olds as a 32 year old man. We all put him into obscurity. Hope he gets caught for statutory rape soon and gets chemically castrated, fuck him and all types like him. Cumia I'm talking about you nigga!

Hey hey hey, it's gotta be the right 13.