This sub is gayer then

0  2019-06-11 by unknowkid96


Good one homo. Though i agree sucks shit and anyone who calls me a faggot for not joining them on their gay shit-tier forum should fuck off and die.

Hi, titbiggers!

I wanted to stop by and wish you the most terrific day ever! Have a good one!


I'll book us a room on the 32nd floor of Mandalay Bay!

I really tried for a week or so, but I just can't force myself to fucking live like 2002 again.

Yea i've been through this before too. Another sub I loved dearly kept getting banned and switched to a forum, I really tried but I just can't be fucked to use it. Now even that forum is mostly dead. So seriously to all the idiots who think that should be rally point, get fucked. Saidit is a better option, and everyone shoots saidit down. I get that it's pretty stupid but it's a great way to communicate and regroup. It works the same as reddit and we wouldnt stay there.

What sub was that?

The early stages of mde split off pretty quickly to a sub called milliondollarbabies, which is the sub i loved. It got banned for ban evasion even though it was private from the beginning and was created a year before mde was banned for being a polfag hell. The little community of mdb created a sub called powerfulbadboys which was unrelated to mde and didnt even discuss mde or any politics. Banned for ban evasion after a few months. Literally because people from ahs would keep tabs on all members who were in the mde sub. So there is a pbb forum and its cute but the community died imo. It was a relatively wholesome community too.

better option

Not only did that site suck fucking dick, but the people on it were already gearing up to do something about us. is gonna change it’s format to be more like reddit.

Thats not what the site looks like on mobile for me, and im using an iphone. I never said to stay there, it's just easy to use to communicate. The people on there aren't gonna do shit, they were hust whining. Fix the site and maybe i'll use it.

Thats not what the site looks like on mobile for me, and im using an iphone. I never said to stay there, it's just easy to use to communicate. The people on there aren't gonna do shit, they were just whining. Fix the site and maybe i'll use it.


We dont want you. Faggot. Stay on reddit.

I will thanks

Enjoy your 600 member website. What are you even doing here, that site seems to be poppin so hard? You're wasting your time!

Keep believing that’s gonna happen, retard.

You e been posting all night on this sub. Go to sleep tweeker.

Soon I will you fag, enjoy my content.