Mod some people up who are active during the day

18  2019-06-10 by N64CUBE

DMCA’s and reports flowing in


tell me what to do, before I coma again

we just gotta ban sketchy alts posting copyrighted content. It’s fairly obvious what stuff isn’t legit, the accounts tend to be brand new and spam unfunny shit. Cum/Fatrick/autists/etc report it and that alerts this subs presence to reddit admins who might ban it on grounds of evasion

please help with that

yep, I’ll be deleting them as I see them. only we could create this strong of a retard magnet to attract the likes of saiyan

Do it, pussy. Make me a mod

A fucking yellow coward like that doesn’t have the guts.

Is that how Joe made mod? Just by having no responsibilities during the day on weekdays?

/u/Toss__Pot I'll do it if you like.

I asked him to offer it up again and he gave it to some guy named sam

He didnt give me power to ban :/

exactly so there’s no point

That's stupid. You need to be able to swat those flies as soon as they appear. You guys also need an automod that will delay posting abilities for at least 3 days for new users/subscribers.

think u go t it

Do you think keeping all images and vid posting would help