You think Ant misses this?

23  2019-06-10 by willfalls2


I don’t know, he’s probably not too sad about not having grease leak out of her ass all over his bed

Why would he miss her? She’s an adult woman.

No. He has the cat shit bandit.

Even if he missed her, Muscles Marinara would beat the shit out of both of them

A flipped over pizza.


I'll grab some extra napkins, we can dab.

Did she grow a penis?

Just throw down some grass seed, stupid.

Sod is a pain in the ass. And it’s 50/50 if it even takes. Grass seed is the way to go here. And that looks like an awful lot of sod for that job.

The grass is what you 2 notice... not the lack of cock to feed Nana.

I addressed that as well. I noticed that first.

Ahhhh very good

While I agree with your assessment, if a bitch wants to spend her days laying sod then I say let her. I have games to play in the basement.

She's too feminine and adult looking for his taste. Plus she prefers not to have a resume that reads "Child Predator's Live-In Prostitute" as her main career choice.

Anthony has made it clear he’s only interested in those he can control. This goes for all his relationships; romantic, personal, and professional.

Opie was a peer with some modicum of discipline and organizational skills.

Artie was an irresponsible junkie, but way too big for Anthony. Sober or not, it was bound to fail.

Jill was a local star in her own right. Of course he’d rather fuck an A-cup cobweb-tattooed Canadian amateur porn star who worships him.

Stetten was climbing the ladder for sure, but was building some momentum for herself when they split.

So he pays family members allowances. His ”friends” (Including Keith) are listeners who won’t dare call bullshit. His “girlfriends” also get a stipend and a car as their departing gift. His boyfriends get breast implants. And his cohost could’ve won a fucking contest to get his job for all we know.

TL,DR; Anthony is an insecure homo.

Yep, and don't forget his entire circle of "friends" are all hideous mutant ballwashing sychophants who wouldn't dare criticize him and worship him as their "celebrity friend".

Also the damaged children he's groomed and fucked were starstruck by his celebrity status and had shitty parents so he could easily woo them with money (and booze/drugs) and lure them to his Neverland ranch "compound".

Precisely. Yes men and yes children as far as the eye can see.

Damn it is Neverland East. Tranth calls it a compound CP. Fucking child molesting faggots thoes cumia boys are

Don't forget his whole divorce bit. Patrice shut it down when he asked him why he didnt just tell her to fuck off? He lied said he did but they settled outside of court because she was going to bring up his (sexual history). What you hiding Anthony Cumia?

Looks like it’s early in the morning. So no, not at all.

Nah, he would rather have sex with children.

That's the spot she did her yoga. The constant shit juice squirting all over the place killed the grass. If you don't believe me zoom into the window next to her left ear. You can see me with a pair of binoculars and no pants.

just concrete it you stupid wop!!

tranth is a faggot who puts on his mom's shoes, gets fucked by hairless boys, grooms and molests kids... He don't give 1 fuck about that women.

Hi, GloryHolejoeH!

I hope you have a wonderful day!


Faggot bot

Bad bot.


Nice size front yard. That’s a lot to sod. If she’s on Long Island, she should just get a good KBG seed.

Three weeks later and your mowing.

And racoons won't get under it looking for worms and grubs.

Grass seed is so easy and you barely need to be patient.

His main complaint was that she was an adult with a social life and family which Ant didn’t like because all that activity got in the way of old tv reruns and his drug and alcohol abuse.