How would you go about getting Joe's military records?

5  2019-06-10 by Single_Action_Army

They gotta be obtainable, right? Aren't there groups that help expose stolen valor?



This is a start, but my long shifts at Panera and nights in my mom's basement prevent me from spending time on this endeavour.

Yeah, I feel you. Between binge eating and flogging my dong I don't think I'll get a chance to look at this.

He's already finally confessed he only served peacetime, stateside for a couple years and tinkered with radios and went skydiving a few times on the taxpayers' dime. I would like to know if he's actually Airborne though. I think he's definitely stolen valor there and could never pass the Airborne test to qualify, especially the fitness test.

I want to know about his discharge. Highly likely that nigger was stealing shit

And he allegedly only joined to beat those incest/rape charges.

I don’t think he even did that. Pretty sure he was only in an Airborne unit, but not jump qualified himself.

He said he "joined a jump club" while he served. That ain't Airborne. That's using taxpayer dollars to go recreational skydiving. He needs to be exposed, especially since he loves to wear those Airborne hats and shirts to beg for accolades and free shit.

Peeling potatoes for the 82nd is still an Airborne unit. Doesn’t mean he jumped out of a plane for Uncle Sam, though.

Exactly, we've never seen a Parachutist Badge (which you know he'd post photos of constantly) and there's no "paratrooper" word associated with him anywhere.

Didn't he have to jump that time some potatoes needed peeling behind enemy lines?