Fuck Mushmouth

42  2019-06-09 by Jim_Stancil


You're a Burning Bridges fan I take it, Jim?

resorting to canceling SayainZ

how far the mighty have fallen

This complaint is every DMX video ever made, youtube will give no shits and file this in the 'fuck off loser' complaints folder, you can't keep a good negro down sir.

This is twitch. He’s already demonetised from YouTube.

I apologise, carry on as you were.

What the fuck is the matter with you people in the comments? Fucking Uncle Tom faggots. You sound like the old sub when they were whining about Kuhn getting Joe's gigs cancelled on the same premise as this.

Hi, YangtzeRiverChina!

I just wanted to stop by and wish you peace and happiness!


Shut the fuck up fucking stupid robot