Happy to not be seeing posts about that sci-fi writer

5  2019-06-08 by schmuckOnWheels

One or two at first was ok, but wow you fuckers beat that one into the ground. Let's stick to the feed nana/faggot/beefers/etc posts shall we. thanks babe


Feed Nana or go home.

Continuing the Fatrick shit got us into this mess. Stopping would probably get us back on the saddle but some were just too darn stubborn

Its not worth the inconvenience of moving subs honestly. Not that funny either. Unless someone puts up the 1500 for the billboard.

You posted about him child


I remember one guy kept posting and posting about him and eventually everyone did. I mean what makes pat different from any given liberal idiot on Twitter. Shoulda left it the fawk alone sniff

Not done with mr spaceship repo quite yet.