Over 60 years old. Wears earrings.

48  2019-06-08 by Tashter


I’d love to stomp a mud hole in his chest.

Even if you cut his head off, you can tell the Cumia's age by counting his neck rings

Wow. Never noticed his fat neck. Good on ya.

You couldn’t have surmised his neck was fat based off the rest of him?

Why do ugly people like Joe take selfies? You'll never be not gross.

i think on the farm they are referred to as 'ear tags'

If one earring makes you half a fag...

Was never a tough guy. Weighed 125 lbs right up until her got fat as fuck as an old geezer. He's such a pussy.

Wow his age really shows.

He only wanted one pierced ear, but couldn't remember which side would mean he was gay.