r/OpieandAnthontxyz waiting for Reddit to shut the party down.

125  2019-06-08 by HuxleyOverOrwell


Mods need to wake the fuck up and ban sci-fi author posts.

We really should only post about him without pictures of him. That is what fucked us. Just stick to bringing his other social media accounts, ya retards!

True good idea. We need to adapt to survive as a species that never dies.

Either fatrick posts stay on the forum or they are less over here. Especially copyright.

It’s way easier to shut down a sub for DMCA than it is over their dislike of pedophiles and smug hack writers.

What bugged me the most with the Fatrick shit was when people started posting shit from his Instagram account, over and over again. I knew we were goners by then. Just post the same picture of his fat, pedo face from his book cover.

Autism cannot be controlled

It can be fueled by dumb people though

That's what spaceedge tried and now u want that??

It’s boring, meaningless and will lead to more subs getting shut down. No one finds it funny.

Apparently the tards who flipped out at spaceedge found it funny to post pics of pat

No great loss.

SpaceEdge is a fat junkie who was on a power trip banning people for no reason. That was long before the Fatrick shit. The Fatrick shit made us all say fuck you to him. Even the other mods were getting sick of his shit. We are better off without him. I can only hope he records his suicide for this sub right after he steals another vape.

That's an amazing story you just told. I like how you think the mods gave a shit about anything, ever. They barely updated the sidebar pics. Then, the one time a mod flexes muscle we all attacked him like he was our absent father for showing any authority.

Maybe spaceedge read the writing on the wall and saw what happens to a sub when it loses direction and starts witch hunts over anyone talking shit. OandA wasn't the first or the last subreddit to fall apart because of something like that.

Spot on

The fat fuck from Wisconsin should never be mentioned on this sub. Give that asshole to Cumtown or any of those other gay subreddits.

pulitzer pat wins again!


He was right, but for the wrong reasons. That treacherous junkie slob deserves no vindication.

Aren't we all just junkie slobs deep down inside? Schinkel bout it...

Cumtowns onto it. Any post related to him = instaban

Bunch of fags

Yeah even if u keep swapping account they just delete it straight away. Fuckin pussies, but then again if we get them shutdown they’ll just come here and fuck with it.

I’m sure we autists will come up with creative ways to spread the word of Fatrick.

Why? He's alresdy being silly again. He keeps posting on the forum that something big is coming, but won't say what. Surely it's not his penis size.

if you watched that show and didnt strongly identify with adebisi you aren't a real man

Remember when he raped that guinea lad in the kitchen?


I still wonder if Adebisi's dick was bigger than Schillinger's.

Ok Jim Norton

Petey Schibetta getting his canoli turned inside out.

I literally wore a beanie to the side for few years when I first got into the show.

I feel ya, dawg!

I rode around in a wheelchair with fingerless gloves and dreads until last Wednesday.


Speaking the fucking truth

The latest sub will be posted on https://twitter.com/OnASubReddit when this sub is eventually shut down.

Let's start fucking each other in the ass!

What do you mean, "start?"

Ironically of course

tfw fat pat really made us throw in the towel

I was never a part of harassing, minus upvoting funny threads about him but it doesn’t feel right

By no means are we saying to give up. Keep shitting on that fat pedo. Keep down voting his YouTube videos, calling him a faggot, giving him horrible reviews on his shitty books, etc. Just STAY AWAY from posting his private and personal pictures. That is what got the big black dick up our ass the first time. Besides, picking on Joe is much more fun.

We did it for Norm's honor.


We did it for Norm's honor.

His name is Norm Macdonald.

We are losing subs as fast as Joe is losing gigs.