After all the subs got shut down I considered going to the dark side.

11  2019-06-07 by redditsipowillsuck

Ashamed to admit this, but, I had a brief moment where I thought: well that was a good run...I wonder if all the Reddit stuff was just a bit, and these guys may be actually tolerable to listen to. I hadn't listened to Jim or Anthony in over a year and thought for a moment, if you can't beat 'em join 'em. So I gave them a shot.

I turned on Jim & Sam and lasted maybe 3 minutes before I tapped out.

Right off the bat Jim openly complained about the mics not being good enough on air, something like 'Sorry about the mics, we've told them a million times about this, sorry man this is really frustrating". Great way to start an interview with a guest to make them feel comfortable.

Sam did that cackle laugh every 15 seconds trying to look comfortable in his own skin, while Norton constantly looked at the floor, and every 45 seconds would repeat the last 3 words the guest said followed by a stupid, disingenuous laugh.

I really can't believe how awful it was, I think the video had like 6,000 views on YouTube and had been up for over a year.

Wow do these guys ever fuckin' suck.


Yeah every time I've seen small clips the main thing that strikes you is that Jim is phoning it in. He's not interested and his contributions mainly rely on bits that have been done to death. It's sad.

(I'm not going to even bother to comment on Sam's contribution other than to say he could be replaced by a dummy and the show would be the same or better.)

Yeah Norton has lost all interest. Since the subs hatred was focused on Patrick and Joe mainly I actually forgot that Jim and Sam had a show.

It seems as if Norton is equally unaware of the show, he was vacant. In his mind he was somewhere else....probably in the Fjords getting fucked in the ass by some tall blonde's mule.

Ol Jimmy Paycheck

I listen to Jim and Sam. After 30 seconds it turns to background noise and I couldn't tell you what they say.

I can't even make it to the end of my neighborhood before I rage quit.

The sub is legitimately more funny and entertaining than jim and sam or ants show.

Has anyone here watched Ant's show in the last year? I have no idea what it's like or who's involved in it.

He interviewed my AC guy last week

at this point i would believe that 100%

I really hope sam ends up in a low status/respect job after this pathetic shitshow tanks. he invested his life in "broadcasting" right as online streaming and podcasts overtook it. Good.

Wrestling basement podcast is pretty low

financially it worked out good for him, his only good idea was Jocktober, besides that he's worse than average at talking on mic or having any unique points that would cause people to listen to him. he has no hobbies outside of wrestling and his takes are cold as shit there.

he probably only got into radio because he realized its an easy job overall. they already pick out the music for you, long contracts make it impossible to fire you and guarantee you a salary. and you have a bit of power over whatever market you are at. plus everyone knows XM will be like radio shack and only cease to exist 15 years after people stopped going there.

sam: "hehehehehe jim are you saying you don't like the microphones? ;)"

jim: "NOOOOOO!!!!"

sam: "hahahahahahaha xD"

me: suicide

Did anyone ever find Sam's Shit Show entertaining? Why would anyone expect this to be any good?

I think when Ant got fired Jim just found comfort in his own deviant addictive behavior. He's chasing the dragon and eventually it's going to kill him. Watch him. He's not paying attention to the show, he's thinking about men that dress like girls and putting cocks inside him. PrEP can only prevent so much.