...tha saga continues...O&A, O&A...

0  2019-06-07 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Logan Lynn flaming, he burn so sweet

The thrill of victory, the agony, defeat

We crush Joe, flaming deluxe Joe

FOR, Mel-Gibson day come'th, conquer, it's war

Allow kids-to-escape, the Nana Compound bomb

Pocket full of 60k out-the-sky, Golden Arms

Kids spit the shitty, immoral 2U sound

The fake false account made: "Carol squirt stain the ground"

Caved nose jun-kie, Compound Media tan-trum

A death kiss, O&A sub squeeze another anthem

Hold it for ransom, tranquilized with admin a-ne-sthetics

Logan Lynn's a graceful, music ballerinas

Pat Tom-lin-son is shit-ty, rich big Fatso smell

Insurance salesman adventure, get's trolled real-well

I sing a song from Sing-Sing, sippin' on ginseng

Adrienne get-tin' ro-ta-ted, by a ring king


I'll fuckin' make you listen to Nana reading Permenantly Suspended and she'll keep reading it to you,

and reading it to you,

and reading it to you