Can someone give me a quick overview of the new drama, and who this Brad person is?

10  2019-06-05 by Every1ShouldBKilled


He's an ex-comedian who apparently had some personal dealings with the Cumia brood and has now turned Sub's Evidence.

So I’m hearing he was doxxed, but who else did he give up (if he had access to any real identities)? Why are people acting like Joe is trying to sue the sub now?

Some guy -- potentially a Joe alt -- has been posting threads about how everyone is going to be arrested. Just stupid shit.

I always ask this, but how likely is it that Joe could legally do anything? Didn’t he claim that he talked to a lawyer, but was convinced into not pursuing any legal action because of how expensive it would be, to serve users in every single country giving you guff?

Ant probably was the one that talked to lawyers but the advise is still accurate.

For the record never met the Cumias. It’s not personal. I just think they are pieces of shit. Joe will spin it as I am upset because I once applied to work for Anthony ages ago and now have some personal vendetta. Nope. Also may try to spin it that I am upset because I am a failed comedian. I left comedy on my own accord. It got sick of doing it and wasn’t making any money. I was never that good. I just knew how to network. Family member got sick which made the decision even easier. Transitioned into the regular working world. Pretty happy with life. I’m not leeching off a family member or using other people’s creativity they came up with to make ends meet.

I am really upset with Levy. Considered him a really good friend in comedy. I won’t ever shit talk him though even though I could.

You trusted a Jew. You should know better.

the whole comedy industry seems to be loaded with phony pieces of shit.

It is but there are some good guys out there. Florentine, Attell, Vos, and a few others are really fucking cool and actually do help newer comics. As much as I am angry at Levy he does usually look out for other comics and did a lot for me years ago.

These newer comics are the ones who seem to be pieces of shit. There’s no loyalty anymore and they will all sell each other out in a second. They do a 5 minute set for two years and expect the world to be handed to them without putting the work in.

He's like a saner, less jewwy Danny Ross


He's the real ass dude of the week.

Brad is that guy that makes Joe's girl squirt for him while he watches