So, is this it?

0  2019-06-04 by SextonHardcastle11

Are we still splintered into multiple subs, or is this it? What's the plan now?


we mostly read scripture and sing hymns on r/OurLordnSaviourJC

All are welcome

The O&A virus is spreading across America.

it stinks and i don't like it. i think this sub is ok for now

Website and here. No fatrick shit tho

Saidit could also be used as a quick way to regroup if a bunch of subs get banned. Im glad we're fuckin around all over reddit tbh.

Go to the site if you want P-Titty,there's funny stuff going on. Over here seems to be more about having personal interactions with Slow Joe, which are fun in a different way.

This has all been interesting, it honestly more entertaining than if the sub had stayed static.

Ain't it fun, we are rising and falling