We're all bummed about the subs being targeted. Here's what you can do to keep the ball rolling and to keep our enemies up at night:

7  2019-06-04 by TangerineReam

1: Reach out to Dani Golightly, en masse. This sub has 1,023 "members", that could all be reaching out her in the most diplomatic way, that our autistic degenerate selves can generate. Let her know that we're on her side and that we're only looking for "the Giselle texts". Her exchange of those texts will catapult her to our God Tier list, or to at least a very high tier...which will ensure that no one from here fucks with her ever again and that she has an army that's willing to defend her, should she need it.

2: Reach out to Adrienne, en masse (see above).

3: Our goal would be to make any and all exchanges of information, seamless and supportive. To create a "safe space" if you will, that can host, handle, broker and support the exchange, in the most respectful and accessible way possible. They should feel good about what they share, supported in case it backfires on them, and safe to really get to the bottom of the info they're trying to convey.

That should be our goals NOW...not trying to find another clubhouse. And the exchange itself will give Pat an ulcer, while thoroughly destroying the Cumia Brothers for good.

We should at least try...


Adrienne has been contacted weeks ago. She had nothing to say, was weirded out and asked to be left alone. Conversation was posted on the old sub.

Holy shit, I didnt even see that. Anyone have a screenshot?

I wish I'd taken one now. It ending up being a non event

I deleted it, it was creepy. She asked who the guy was and he was vaguely internet anonymous I know Patrick, is there anything you'd like to say about him?

She was like I haven't spoken to or thought about him for 8 years and I'm upset strangers on the internet are asking me about my ex-husband.


Haha, he doesn't even exist to her.

Why would she be weirded out? This is God's work. We are his messangers.

I think we could get Dani if we are nice enough.

Dani already revealed a lot of the private stuff (Anal Egg, flying drones over junior high schools). We just need her to hand over the texts in a metaphorical "handcuffed suitcase with 'The Football' in it". She get's our eternal support in exchange...

She seems annoying as fuck to deal with

I think she’s on the right meds now and seems to be not as annoying on her social media.

Can't tell if you are joking but it seems like all cumio survivors have broken mind and body, poor transpa turned into a racist pedo after Joe cum sr

Not joking.

Look what happened to Jonathan Harker after escaping from Dracula's castle.

she posts boomer tier memes about feminism. she’s about as annoying as it gets

If Dani really wanted revenge on Anthony, she'd fuck every single one of us.

On the hand, knowing our luck, we'd end up having to fuck Danny.

Or each other. For the goof.

Yeah, but we all can't fuck u/thirtymiligrams

Well when you put it that way, it sounds like it would be quite fun.. like in a joking manner.

What about contacting joes ex wife?

She might be willing to spill the beans, but it would have to be stuff that we don't already know.

Does she have a name?

Someone on here knows her name...

Joe's ex has an account here and made contact on the original sub. She says she won't accept crowdfunding money to fight him in court because he has laundered money and money from his brother that he'll use to make hers and her daughter's lives miserable since he's a sociopath. She only hangs around to make sure people aren't putting her daughter in danger and posting pics of her, which is what a good parent does, unlike Joe who posts selfie videos of him with his daughter in the car speeding, and risking her life.

Is she still around?

Good lady aside from that one giant mistake. We really should leave the daughter out of it.

Or you guys could try to be more funny with "faggot" post... Instead of, you know, bullying people into despair, and losing all your followers, you're more surrounded by undercover feds on this subreddit than you are old O&A members....

I guess, if you can't stop pushing yourself into trouble, you can make a troll group and find subreddits to shut down from the inside, but you probably have no idea how to do that...

Hi Ant.

Ballwasher #1 or Ballwasher # 2?

Shut up, faggot

As an aside, I'm glad that it seems like Dani is in a much better place. Good for her.

My goal is to have sex with Dani Brand. I could care less about finding dirt on Anthony. I could wanna grab her fat titties.

My goal is to have sex with Dani Brand. I could care less about finding dirt on Anthony

... although that's the one place you'd probabably still find it.

1.) Dani probably has a settlement agreement with Anthony and can't talk about it.

2.) If you want to keep getting subs shut down, then your harassment that boring fucking nobody sci-fi author and his friends/family will guarantee it.