Women are faggots 100/∞

2  2019-06-03 by literalotherkin


Faggotry is advanced narcissism

Indeed. That's why there's so many of them.

Starving for attention

Nice posture Golem, brought to you by "The Letter C"

Not a decent tit between the two.

I bet when they got back home though they were so worked up from the photo shoot Ellen let the other one gring her pussy on her gigantic fivehead.

Wtf is wrong with her spine?

My first thought was Veganism and a quick search reveals that yes she is actually a vegan.

Nice diet, stupid.

Of course she is

With this type there's no need for searching. Just wait till they hit the next stage. 1st is gaygaygay then they get old and discover health and when the rot sets in it's a quick grab from the morals barrel.

Are we sure this isn't two dudes?