REMINDER: this sub will be shut down, just like all the others

26  2019-06-02 by rosyandaurora

Everyone knows it's a matter of time.

Saidit is dog shit, so forget that.

I just want you guys to know that we have an offshore bunker,

You can stay here, i couldnt give a fuck, but when shit hits the fan, you have a home.



You’ll always be able to find the next subs by searching Cumia or Tomlinson.

That site is last resort behind fucking saidit, which is sad.

theres always the message board


i was gonna say sadit but didnt, thanks for ur service

Yeah no it's too gay. And that's saying a lot.

"Yeah, no" it's too gay!

are you talking length or witdth?

Artie's looking jaundiced as a motherfucker. Also, I don't know if anyone's noticed this, but he doesn't seem to have a nose.

Fuck all the other sites. Reddit is where it’s at. Even with 900 members, it beats everything else.

With Tapatalk its really not that bad. Better than getting subs nuked every 2 days

As long we don’t have any threads about that retard from Wisconsin, we should be fine.

calm down compadre

Memento mori, gents.