Tell me I’m not retarded

3  2019-06-01 by Slothjew

(Posted this in r/scorch2 also because I have no idea where my friends are at)

I live in a pretty nice building, it’s got a pool on the roof. Yesterday, I was drinking all day, started doing some lines, and this absolute monstrosity ogre troll gargoyle of a girl started hitting on me. I was absolutely hammered and let her suck my dick. Busted in her mouth and face, it was kinda fun at the time.

Problem is, I have a really hot gf who is at my place all the time and this fat bitch lives in my building. Feeling slightly guilty, but I’m not a pussy so that’s not the issue, the issues is now I gotta potentially see this bowling ball of a human potentially with my girl.

My one saving grace is that this girl is so disgusting that even if she ever mentioned it to my girl almost don’t think she would even believe I would do it.

I’ll throw this monster off the 6th floor if she says some shit.


Any nudes?

You wouldn’t even want to see them

We've all been there brotherman. Just kill em both. Problem solved!

Thanks for the advice, I’d like to keep my girl. I did wake up hoping the fat one would get hit by a bus today though.

If you got any black dudes as friends send them the fattys way. Should take care of the issue.

Thanks for the advice, I’d like to keep my girl. I did wake up hoping the fat one would get hit by a bus today though.

We’re all over at r/SuesAlamo

No but really we need to purge all these subs and make our mind on where we’re staying

Yea I’m real confused as to which is primary and the most active

Skeletons don't like staying in their closets, Greg.


Only logical thing to do is get her evicted or arrested.

Maybe call in a bomb threat from her phone?