56  2019-06-01 by HuxleyOverOrwell

Seriously, that app fucking blows n word cock. We will regroup here. Like it or not, we have to deal with the (((people))) who run Reddit. Besides, those lame fucks would find a way to get banned over at that shit hole as well, so we might as well stay here.


It’s a fucking abomination of a website! We lost heart! We should just have opened up a new sub and kept going. FUCK!

I think we just have to have patience at both S2 and this sub. It will grow, just very slowly. Let's hope these queers don't start posting Fatrick's Instagram pics.

As long as we stick to ruining his life through Goodreads and Amazon, we can get away with it.

And yes, we beed to let this grow with /r/scorch2

But that one should be a fallback sub, where we regroup if we get taken down again.

Or why don’t we just reconvene at a place we don’t care about like r/cumtown or r/chapotraphouse?

That way when the place is inevitably banned we will have made the world a better place.

Plus the faggots over at SaidIt are already complaining about us. That place sucks ass.

I wouldn't know. It keeps saying the site is under a heavy load (faggots)

Yeah fuck that noise. Us faggots need to stay together and fight those ChoMos

Saidit is not very good.

You don’t think it’s good?

goat cackle

Come to r/cumtown

Way ahead of ya homie

This place isn’t going to last long. You guys need to find an unrelated name. We have been targeted, look on the reclassified sub. Many rats

We will have to do that if these two subs go down. Perhaps Denny Falcone or Colin Quinn.

The problem is, if the name is too obscure, people won’t find it.

We will be obscurity even faster if we keep jumping subs every 5 days

Well then we need to settle on something, but the problem is, if we don’t collectively make an effort to bring everyone there, over from saidit, we’re fucked.

And we will most likely have to make the sub private.

It’s a big ol’ mess is what it is.

A recognizable (to us) but otherwise unrelated name might work. Attracting people will take time. No matter what name is chosen, if we spring up over night with those aggressive Pat-posters and brigadiers then we are done no matter what. A slow build is necessary.

Possible names: Todd Pettengill, Terry Clifford, Mancow Muller, Jesse Ventura, Paul R Nelson, etc

I have a feeling it will be Terry Clifford

Yes I think you’re right.

Ok so we need to find a name, stick with it, then start the migration caravan.

We need that place to have a sticky on what to do if we get banned again. A rally point where we regroup. (Yes I know how fucking faggoty that sounds)

Now the problem is, how do we organize that? Do we just make a new thread for naming suggestions and after 24 hours pick the most upvoted name?

I have no idea how to organize it now that we are targeted, but laying low under a less noticeable name while using these spots as fallback hubs is what I’d recommend.

I don’t disagree. Child.

The name isn't going to matter. Having it be public or private isn't going to matter. All Reddit is going to need to do is look where all of the posters from the banned sub are now posting.

They stomped on the MDE refugees for weeks and have this process down to a science.

I vote for the simple name 'obscurity'


We're already here, brotherman


Has a nice ring to it





Using an app instead of a browser? What a beta cuck soyboy.

Also, I learned a long time ago that you can't fight reddit when the admins decide your community isn't welcome. They notice you've recreated a sub? They simply delete it. You try to fight back by being disruptive in normie subs? They IP ban you. Reddit is a fag country.

How many times do we need to get banned before you stubborn retards get the hint? I don’t wanna move camp every fucking week on this stupid shit site. If you don’t like saidit, fine. People are coming up with a bunch of alternatives.

At some point a decision needs to be made and agree to but I don’t like the forum layout, it’s archaic.

Dude's working on reddit layout as mentioned above, it'll take a little bit.

It is pretty awful tbf. is about as good as it's gonna get. No risk of it getting banned and there's a decent userbase now.

The dude is changing it to a reddit style, said it will take him a bit to sort it out though

We can’t have any threads focused on Fatrick. The hate towards him has to be more covert and has to be on another subreddit that we don’t care about(stern, cumtown, ect). Patrick needs to be fucked with IRL, not on reddit.

I like the stern idea

I'd suggest creating an IRC room or some shit, just as a better backup than the gay web1.0 forum on saidit. Either that or we find a site with a forum that will drive numbers and not throw a pissyfit with DMCA requests. Let a few months pass till the heat dies down and slowly regroup on here.

Exactly. It doesn't even have a working algorithm so new posts never reach the frontpage. If you agree smash that INSIGHTFUL or FUN button fam

This is retarded. Reddit is fucking over, every sub we make will be deleted within days and people will lose interest exponentially. I could give a fuck about saidit's UI as long as the mods aren't power-tripping corporate dick suckers (for now at least).

Sum 1 buile a fucking lycos site. It would look better than saidit

I downloaded the said it. I made an account. I searched for opie and anthony (I'm not brilliant but I got the email confirmation). So after that this morning, it just keeps saying "said it is UNDER A HEAVY LOAD, try back later." I also wanted to leave a load but apparently I'm in the back of the line