What the hell happened to opienanthonyxyz and scorch they disappeared under my eyes

9  2019-05-30 by spolrak123


Joe's nervous about the whole Danny thing.

Danny thing? I missed that. What’s going on?

Joe claimed some convicted pedo that hung out st the compound was a good friend of Danny’s. Danny came back (since he apparently got over all the bullying that drove him away last time) and basically blew that statement up. Danny also allegedly has copies of texts sent from Anthony about other shit.

He called Joe out when Joe mentioned that Danny was friends with Ant, in which Danny said he was no longer friends with Ant due to him having people like Kurt Love over to some Cumpound Parties. It's fuzzy, but I believe he was also calling Joe out on basically protecting his brother so he could have underage girls over along with Kurt.

There are some more details, but Danny was hinting, once again, that he had A LOT more information he was willing to divulge if Joe didn't keep Danny's name out of his mouth. So Joe set his Twitter to private and, I'm assuming, starting spamming the admins about the sub. He got scared.