MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Joe Cumia, Patso, Fatrick, Bovine Brain, Feed Nana, #ruizing.

1  2019-10-01 by FatBoyThomasApostle

R.I.P. r/OpieRadio I saw it die right before my eyes.


Died of its death unfortunatel, feels cold brothermen

It’s the wuuuuuuurst!

We had a good run there. I thought it would have been banned sooner

That was a scary couple of minutes

I was surprised how long that one lasted? Thought the mods caught on to Cumio and Fred from Brooklyn’s false dmcas

Not on my day off!!!

hi joeH, you fat faggot

Fawkkk!! Love ya Miss Ya! /OpieRadio

We had a good run boys

Lower 'em WOW flags to half-mast

We all knew we were on borrowed time

Before opieradio went down I posted that I created a shitty forum:

It is currently set to admin approval only. I don't know a good way to keep out the trouble makers, so just pm me the name you registered and I'll figure something out. I don't expect this to replace the sub hopping, but at least somewhere to regroup. I don't plan on much moderation (no management, our forums), except anything illegal or spamming so that it breaks my shitty host. Its hosted into Romania so generally, they don't care except illegal shit.

That said here's a bunch of gay caveats

  • feed nana
  • I don't know what I'm doing and never adminned a forums. Its basic forums code.
  • I'm not investing too much time in customizing any of this in the short term
  • The hosting has been fairly reliable but may go down. They got hit with some botnet attack a week ago, so it may be flakey at times. It's in fucking Romania.
  • CDNs are expensive so it'll be slow. fuck you.

I love you but I'm not giving you an email address, even a fake one. If you can have someone code a Reddit style forum that'd be great.

I love you both

you don't need an email address. but yeah ok. Anyway, i'm not doing a reddit style forum its too heavy weight. You need root access and it will cost a shitload. If people want to shell out like 70/month for hosting then i'd fo it, but we might as well us saiddit or voat at that point.

Says you need to enter a valid email address when registering. If I can enter anything and I don't have to verify the address then that's cool.

i disabled it, so i think just put like [email protected]

liek you need an @. No one is really posting right now i just set it up.

It was only 14 days old.

😂😂😂 been a while since I checked in but it's glad to see I'm still winning, and that faggotcakes will never be a moderator of an o&a community that I don't get banned one way or another.

Checking in boys