We would like to apologize to the Cumia family, our humor was misplaced and now we realize how hurtful it was.

1  2019-09-05 by LamarThePotato


Man the way she couldn't stop crying is pretty damn funny. I don't know how the black guy didn't laugh as she was blubbering.

I saw this story covered on the Killstream. It was fucking enraging. She clearly meant he looked like the monkey because he takes bad selfies. And this fucking Cumia sat there while she was a blubbering mess, and then threw her under the bus with fake offense to try and make a name for himself and bolster his career. Fucking cunt.

AI constantly labels them as Gorillas as well. If a computer can't tell the difference what hope do we have?

So he acted like a black person

Where can I watch this?

All over the Internet nigga..


when you think black, you think blonde.