I fucking hate movies. This looks like absolute shit

1  2019-09-03 by JMueller2012


Meh I’d see it if it got me laid.

What if she spend the whole time crying in the bathroom

Wouldn’t be the first time

So Paul Feig is just going to do Richard Curtis style romantic comedies -- why do they all star fucking Emma Thompson? -- where a flawed but lovable lead overcomes their fears and finds love and fulfillment? Heartwarming stuff.

What a greasy fucking hack.

She’s very kissable

Awful actress

Probably shines a mean knob, then

All the more reason idgaf about her acting

"I'm busy you're weird"

Girl with literal shit in her eyeball

Movies are for faggots. About 30 mins in I let niggas know the ice cream place is closing soon so we better get moving.

I’m sure you’re a lot of fun at K-Mart

Man that used to be my go to spot for shoplifting diapers. Cashiers were too busy getting everyone's blood type and fingerprints you could just walk through the door undetected Shame they went out of business.