Whatever happened to THICC Dani??

27  2019-09-03 by MonsterSteve

Some pics please I wanna plump up a bit


We need a picture update.


eww gross, why would you go back to looking like the kid from that Gummo movie...

Maybe she found another pederast patron who prefers her bone thin and neurotic. Let's face it, what else is she going to do?

She probably can’t be a hand model.

Another career derailed by traditional Cumia family values.

"moderately amusing🌈 @danigolightlyny y'all need jesus NY / LA killinfears.comJoined August 2013 1,375 Following 3,248 Followers

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Quinn is the greatest

Why tf would anyone be interested in some gold digging whore who fucked a filthy Tunisian?