RARE Historical Image HDCAM Rip (Chinese Bootleg)

62  2019-09-03 by Dagidugidai


If only a Chinese tank division would flatten Anth in the street

Keith: Ant, your book sales have been up in China.

AntH: Heh Heh HAH HAH, Those chongers can't even see. Get it, cause their eyes... HAH HAH

Keith: Haha, no, you've actually sold some books in Hong Kong; and people want to meet you because of America and shit, let's go. Rise again!

(21 Hours Later) AnthH: I heard children are taking the first day off school? Wanna kiss?!

Keith: blank stare

missingo lookin' bitch

I wonder what feed Nana sounds like in Mandarin or Cantonese

Mandarin: a high pitched squeal in 4 tones

Cantonese: a high pitched squeal in 9 tones

AntH has fallen on hard times so he gets his anal eggs from AliExpress


He saves on shipping by combining delivery with Joe's guitars

This nigga had his ass cummed in n sheeeit.