Anyone else being followed by a decaying kid fucker posing as some black chick?

46  2019-09-02 by HARVEST_AREA


yep, me too

The withering old creeps twitter obsession is fucking embarrassing, wasn't even 5 minutes after I followed the account when I got the notification.


Lol he's taking the names of Spider-Man love interests. Joe you stupid fuck.

"If I pretend I'm a black libtard woman they'll NEVER ban me."

"HahaHAholeeeeeshit that's brilliant! You see what the libtards did today? Just wait til I comment on THIS one!"

Yup been calling that shit out

It'd be funnier of she had an O last name.

Poor Karen

What's the point of this? Does he think he can infiltrate the super secret war room this war?

We've been poking gentle fun at Nana Groomia's insane Twitter obsession for years but he's really redefining "rock bottom" this weekend. It's Labor Day weekend and in all likelihood the parks and playgrounds in Nana's neighborhood are crawling with hot sexy underage girls, yet he (with an assist from his enormous uddered fag of a brother) spent it desperately trying to re-establish a Twitter presence after yet another one of his pathetic accounts was banned. He could have spent the weekend scoring beer for teenage girls or slipping pills into juice boxes but he chose to stay inside the entire time, just so he could continue to tweet about meaningless retarded online news stories that validate his faggotized belief system. What a wasted opportunity, as school starts this week.