Imagine how clever Bovine JoeH thought he was for coming up with this little coded message.

77  2019-09-02 by pashow84


James is sooo clever

looks like they've won guys.

well even JoeyH calls him "former"

and side note why does he type "hosts"? what a bovined brain sack of shit

Why did he capitalize IT'S? Jesus Christ, he's actually RETARDED.

Read the three words he's capitalised out loud; then realise that Joe has outsmarted you.

Man, he must've been hiding messages all these years in his randomly capitalized words. A true 4D chess player.

I'M not A practicing PEDOPHILE like you all claim.

So its' AntH, playing his retarded brother, playing a child-grooming pedophile? That is deep. Like 14 deep.


Pathetic. Please update when that retard DMCAs this.

This is the behavior of a child. Ant will probably try to fuck him soon.

I like your name and I like your message

Wouldn’t be his first, second, or third sexual experience with an immediate family member.

Didn't even notice that by myself. Now I wonder if the seemingly random capitalization in his other posts amounts to thoughtful little aphorisms and admissions of homosexuality.

Ha, Moo Cow Joe is sucking Count Groomia's ass after causing him to lose his Twitter lifeline, how cute.

He’s the guy on To Catch a Predator who writes the letter saying he wasn’t there to fuck the kid

There's few things more satisfying than depriving a pedophiliac Twitter addict of his social media. Next step is getting him castrated.


it's like he has special ops background or something..

Soooooooo, he's gonna post Ant's laughter and him joking about wanting to fuck 9-year-olds then?

u/DOXXER100, comment?

This dumb fuck realizes robots don’t delete accounts, right?



I wonder how many hours each day Joe actually spends with Anthony's balls in his mouth.

I get the capitalized words spell out that it's Ant's account, but why spend the whole tweet cryptically referencing him only to say his name at the end?

Excuse the language, but what a dunderhead.

Guy gives you free money every month and that's the best you can do?

What is with this Twitter obsession?

Only way for the retards to reach out from behind that pay wall.

Desperately begging for followers for your 20th twitter account that will be banned within days, Ant really is having a great time.


Could you imagine being 60 years old and doing something like this?