Pretty soon Nana’s gonna have to go by @AnthonyCumiaABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

34  2019-09-02 by JOE_CUMIA_IS_A_LOSER

Keep up the solid work!







Bet you the kid-touching ghoul read his big-titted brother the riot act for causing him to lose his gay Twitter account on one of the busiest tweeting weekends of the year. Most normal sixty year old men spent Labor Day weekend with their families and friends at the beach, a ballgame, a backyard pool party or BBQ, but Capt. Fat Tits spent it on Reddit and Twitter, furiously doing battle with a bunch of weirdos and autists who amuse themselves by mocking him and his plump-breasted antics. Right now he's sitting there anxiously waiting for his beer-drenched brother to wake from his drunken slumber so he can proudly tell him all about the latest post he got taken down.