So, so, so, so, you’re saying that just because my brother tries to hump little girls he’s a pedophile? Fuckin’ Redditards

42  2019-09-01 by nempls120


Close enough to be fucking twins

Hump is a funny word.

It is desperate.

It's just odd that the father of a young daughter seems to be OK with his brother openly lusting after underage girls. I mean I know people with young daughters and if they heard me or anyone else groaning in lust over children's TV shows they be pissed off at the least. But Bovine Man Beefers Joe seems cool with it.

Joe values his allowance more than his daughter.

Obviously. A real man would say something like hey, weirdo, chill the fuck out with the little girl lust, you're a fucking grown man and it's fucking perverse. But not the beefy breasted land cow, oh no.