Burkini Fatso

31  2019-08-31 by YeahIGotAFace


She has drastically lightened her skin.

Nice being comfortable with your own natural body, stupid.

Skin lightening is a multi billion dollar industry in India. The caste system, in some ways, was the original skin lightening industry.

Man I went to school with the most stunningly beautiful indian chick she had the most perfect doll face it made me sick to look at her. All the other indian chicks were getting sold off into marriage but she was dark brown and couldn't catch a break.

Why do you resent pretty girls? You remind me of that Mencken quote 'A misogynist is a man who dislikes women as much as other women do.'

Her brother pretended he was black to get into med school.

That shit is funny though.

Especially the photos

Sammy So-So

She really is ugly. Even in her prime she was ugly and shaped really weird. Bitch always looks like she's shrugging.

Indians have taken over my neighborhood and the best looking women look like this. Just mud colored blobs of shit. Disgusting.

Harsh but accurate

There's no such thing as a decent looking Indian gal. They're either gorgeous or uglier than sin.


Her and that ape girl from snl would be a good start to casting an all female live action ninja turtles movie

Someone get Mary Jean aka Donatello on the phone.



You really can't blame the street shitters for desperately begging every white woman on social media to show them bobs and vagene.

lol thats her with makeup perhaps muslims are not so bad?

Mary Jean looking thick.

Team Sammy Sosa

(The) Gabon


for the love of God CLOSE BOB

I wanna go lie in the street outside her house to get a nice big shit on my chest.

Upvote on title alone

She was great in the temple of doom though

Khalid Milkshake Mohammad

Shes a hot mess. Still would.