Andy Richter's ugly wife left him, in case anyone's interested.

35  2019-08-31 by TheGhostOfAbeVigoda


Remember that Andy Richter show that lasted for about one season on Fox?

He had that piece of shit and another one where he was an old timey private eye or something

another one where he was an old timey private eye or something

That was on NBC following his two failed FOX shows.

Believe it or not, there were two of them.

What a loser. No wonder he's fat and his wife left him

She shit on Andy's hardwood floor on their first date and made him clean it up.

and called her sister to tell her she found the one

I thought this happened like a year ago

It probably did. Who gives a shit? Say something mean about Andy Richter.

He's fat and gay.

Get that fat, fucking dildo off the couch

--Warren Littlefield, NBC President, 1993

A fellow 'I'm Not Norm' subscriber I see.

She probably wouldn't let him prep the bull.


Cuck is probably groveling in the divorce too, giving her everything she wants

Well, he is a gay.

in case anyone's interested


Chin like Leno.

What does Andy do exactly?

I think he's like Conan O'Brien's secretary or something.


She looks like one of the Andy Richter quintuplets from Arrested Development.

i could have sworn this already happened

Ugly wife leaves ugly hack

I loved when Norm would make gay jokes about Andy to his face. That old queen was like a deer in headlights

How can these faggots be so wealthy and still have to marry these dogshit corpses? I mean my god I wouldn’t fuck that in a billion years if she was the last ‘woman’ on earth. I genuinely don’t understand.


Bob Hope nose having bitch.