Did anyone else notice the message added to the original o&a sub? "Blame trolls for the shutdown of this sub."

43  2019-08-31 by CoolAIDSman69

Literally every single person knows the real reason he shut it down lol. The lack of awareness from that guy is hilarious.


Anyone know where I can get some Vapes at a low price?

We can only hope he gets a bad batch of fentanyl laced vape juice

It's inevitable

He's got quite a tolerance. It would have to be pretty strong stuff.

So that idiot still has access to the sub?

He deserves to die.

Soon enough. He'll either shoot up some fenty or he'll catch popcorn lung from vaping. Googly eyed bastard is doomed.

When that happens, one of our more dedicated members should travel there and try to get his computer. The sub could be reopened while fatso rots in his own filth.

If there’s anyone worthy of getting a visit from an O&A sociopath who doesn’t fear consequence, it would be him.

He’s lower than Sam when it comes to a more hatable existence that deserves pain for choosing to live.

We'll have to call in Phantas_ "The Wolf" Magorical

He has to live with himself. That's almost worse. Can you imagine being a pussy and a faggot at the same time?

I imagined Sam

He's such a fucking cross eyed, blithering retard. "I'M shocked that this subreddit full of trolls that's entire lifeblood and purpose for 5 years was to mercilessly troll and mock people turned on me when I demanded they stop trolling because I didn't get it " words really can't describe what a complete and total awe inspiring dipshit that fat, worthless junkie shithead is.

How he could mod that sub for so long and completely fucking miss what made it funny is just mind blowing. "It's the fucking trolls fault!" holy shit! The whole fucking community were trolls! That WAS WHAT MADE IT FUNNY YOU FROTHING AT THE MOUTH MONGOLOID RETARD!

He was the Opie of the O&A sub; fatty even had the tits to match.

And the fucked eye

And the lack of awareness (self or otherwise,) nonsense of humor, inability to admit mistakes, or ability to laugh at himself. If they made a suicide pact and followed through it would greatly benefit humanity

Hey /u/spaceedge, fucking fat body.

Wow i didnt see that tubby had shut down a recent RedditRequest thread by saying “its still active and im still head mod”. Whata fucking faggggot. Thats shockingly queer. He has an ongoing vendetta against his own “community”.


Anyone have that video of him stealing a vape pen?

It gives me comfort that each day we learn more and more about how harmful vaping is for your health. Smoke up while you can, fatso.

It's clearly our fault that he's a worthless vape shop thief.