Reminder: Opie refused to say what he knew about Ant that turned him off from Nana so totally and completely

34  2019-08-30 by joemoomia

Which means it's something really dark that Opie didn't feel comfortable sharing with anyone. Maybe it was just the blatant racism or maybe it was something far sicker and twisted. We can only (cough cough little girls) speculate.


In non fantasy land it was the bizarro Opie Twitter account this place was posting snout but i think was debunked

Or that as usual, that fat titted retard had nothing. Knock it off already. What turned him off from Anthony was years and years of the two faggots taking passive aggressive shots at each other, and every great once in a while having an argument like a couple of old ladies, instead of going outside and having a fistfight and getting it all taken care of like actual men would. They’re both shit, stop pretending otherwise.

having a fistfight and getting it all taken care of like actual men would.

You are conflating emotional instability, a fragile ego and immaturity with masculinity. Joe also thinks the 'manly' way to solve any adult problem is to react with a physical threat of violence. You are as idiotic and childish as Joe. Go back to the other unfunny sub where 9/10 posts are off-topic patposts, where you belong. Stay there.

Bitchy soy boy checking in. Go fuck yourself you half female twat. I suppose, being the typical Opie supporter, that the passive aggressive horseshit, and your little feelings, is how you typically handle things. And no, that’s not how Joe handles things. He talks about doing those things, and then never follows through. He is somewhere between an old-school man and the modern version of whatever the fuck you are.

Joe is a fraud. Joe is afraid of any fights.

classy guy!


Same thing that caused him to stay with his wife and sign away millions in potential future earnings without a fight. It is absolutely some shit she could get locked up for. One of the things that keeps trump going bankrupt is his constant need to pay off his rape victims. So it all makes sense.

Leave it alone

A god amongst brothermen