How frustrated do you think Joe was when he realized that he’s always going to have a couple thousand people trashing him on the internet?

55  2019-08-30 by JOE_CUMIA_IS_A_LOSER

We’re not going anywhere, bitch.


I’m bet he’s cried at least once reading one of our subs.

Because 75% of what we post is factual and true.

Change the lady part of your username to “winner” 😎

It wasn't all that long ago when Joe was more or less ignored on the sub. Sure, you'd see the occasional post mocking his mooching or his embarrassing wardrobe, but he wasn't a regular target or anything. Then, like his brother, he fell prey to flapping his gums on social media. Attention was attracted, online battles were fought, meaty-breasted moo cows were humiliated. You'd think he would have learned something from his brother's embarrassing meltdown but nope, it just made him bray even louder. I guess cows are gonna cow no matter what.

I remember the era where Joe Matarese and Big Amy were our main targets. Joe wasn’t getting any press in those days

Nah, dude. It was pretty long ago. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but his abuse started with that walking around the forest video after Greggshells and has remained steady ever since.

He's made it a fuckton worse by getting subs shut down, but we were always gonna fuck his gaping asshole. It was just a question of how frequently and how hard.

He still hasn't realized that

Brother Blow needs to realize and practice the Zen art of "...leave it alone..."

He may find peace but he will never find enlightenment. (too dumb)

Joe is the stereotypical meathead who is not that bright but for years was able to use intimidation to get what he wanted. It worked most of his life and when it didn't work online, his tiny intellect didn't know how to handle it. So he doubled down on the intimidation, tripled down, etc.

He's not very bright.

I don't think he has realized it, or will. I believe he thinks most of us have gotten bored and left and he just needs to outlast the stragglers.

Remember how Joe writes status messages on Facebook and Twitter directly related to this sub. "Obscurity is bliss"? Is it Joe?