Joe Cumia

15  2019-08-28 by BovineCoomia



Just so Joey doesn't feel like his time was wasted clicking on your deception. Joe Qumia is a fat, old, shitty guitar playing, illegal DMCA filing, retarded, cum guzzling, card carrying violent white supremacist, wife beating, child spit consuming, no talent, lazy, stolen valor boasting, lying, ugly, pedophile, long island piece of shit living, fuckhead driver, incapable father and hateful son of a nigger loving whore.

Why are you holding back faggot?


Fucking Christ, this really is retard season

What’s your endgame? Are you really going to try to outlast 1500 people in the prance around different subreddits?

there is no endgame

I'm slowly archiving everything on a dmca proof host and will provide a torrent of all the content. All he accomplished was galvanizing hatred and streamlining the process to get his gigs canceled and to laugh at his failures (old and new).

Did you forget to change alts you obese faggot?


How much do you pay Jefferey Hollander to 'babysit' Layla, Joe? How much does he spend for 'alone time' with her? Do you have fun with that convicted child sodomizer? Looks like you and Bobo were having fun to me. Very, very suspicious that you tried to cover up and lie about the whole thing.

I think CPS should look into this, I wonder if your ex wife knows that you spend time with Mr. 'Kurt Love' and his history of violently anally raping children? They should both be informed. This is no laughing matter, I take the welfare of children at risk very seriously.

Ahhhahaha! That old gag...

Anyone can call CPS, even tip them anonymously or get in touch with your ex wife to share the video of you and a convicted child sodomizer having fun. Am I wrong?

Vurrrrrrry gooood

Gag is what you do every night in the bathroom stall of the Big Apple Ranch

Reported for salty language. See, we can use the report function too, retard. Aren’t you exhausted just being here all day filling your little copyright claims and reporting posts? You must need a nap.

Bleep bloop blorp,

Greetings fellow Netizen! I am a new bot that has been automatically summoooned because it appears you are attempting to correct someone else's grammar incorrectly, which makes you seem like a "double douche".

Your reply:

Why are you holding back faggot?

Utilizes the following incorrect grammar:

My Artificial Intelligence has scanned your comment and post history to inform a "character-appropriate" grammatic correction. Please excuse any idiomatic transcription errors as this feature is still in beta:

Here's how you correctly spell it, you fat leeching embarrassment excuse of a burden on society. Maybe if you didn't drop out of high school or ever worked a day in your life on self-improvement, you would know the correct way to correct the reply is:

Why are you holding back, faggot?

No need to thank me. You’re welcome. If this has been sent in error, please contact my creator /u/YourMomsDeadInABox In the meanwhile, here's a silly ASCII cow to brighten your mooood:

          .=     ,        =.
  _  _   /'/    )\,/,/(_   \ \
   `//-.|  (  ,\\)\//\)\/_  ) |
   //___\   `\\\/\\/\/\\///'  /
,-"~`-._ `"--'_   `"""`  _ \`'"~-,_
\       `-.  '_`.      .'_` \ ,-"~`/
 `.__.-'`/   (-\        /-) |-.__,'
   ||   |     \O)  /^\ (O/  |
   `\\  |         /   `\    /
     \\  \       /      `\ /
      `\\ `-.  /' .---.--.\
        `\\/`~(, '()      ('
         /(O) \\   _,.-.,_)
        //  \\ `\'`      /
       / |  ||   `""""~"`
     /'  |__||

even this bot seems to be lighting-up Joe Cumia

Hey Joe: u/RamonFrunkis is tallying and archiving all of this for the DMCA case he’s going to pursue against you. It’s a felony to exploit the system, and he has access to lawyers that are foaming at the mouth over taking you down.

You missed out leech.

HAHA. The audacity of you calling me faggot. Nice reply faggot.